Luyện đề phần nghe toefl itp thuộc 20 câu sau – Mã 99103150

trac nghiem phan nghe toefl itp nguyen duc mui listening

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31 Q: What are speakers mainly discussing?


32 Q: What did recent photographs from a space satellite indicate?


33 Q: According to the new theory, where did ocean water come from?


34 Q: What group disagrees with the new theory described in the conversation?


35 Q: What aspect of volcanoes does the woman mention?


36 Q: What was the woman’s problem?


37 Q: Why might looking at the exit sign help the woman?


38 Q: What does the man say about children?


39 Q: Why does the man mention his friend Brian?


40 Q: Why is the nurse speaking in the students?


41 Q: What has been happening recently at the health center?


42 Q: What is on the handout the nurse gives the students?


43 Q: What does the nurse mention as a source of dangerous noise that students are exposed to?


44 Q: What is the main purpose of the talk?


45 Q: What does the professor say about the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin?


46 Q: Why does the speaker mention Mark Twain?


47 Q: What was Stowe’s first published work?


48 Q: What does the speaker mainly discuss?


49 Q: What was first made with the clay the speaker mentioned?


50 Q: Why did craftspeople of the Middle Ages use the clay?


Đọc thêm  Luyện đề phần nghe toefl itp thuộc 20 câu sau - Mã 98083150

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