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Created on By KienThucTheoNamThangKienThucTheoNamThang

Đề 7 thuộc 15 câu đầu

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1. Often invisible, always in motion, gas is _____ of matter.

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2. Not until the First World War _____ to improve the road system in the United States.

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3. Though a respected educator, Alexander Graham Bell _____ the inventor of the telephone.

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4. Areas of fertile soil called deltas, usually _____ are formed by mud deposited at the mouth of a river.

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5. Managers often receive considerable training in the “technical” aspects of their jobs _____ very little in the “people management” aspects.

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6. _____ of minerals, which are chemical elements or compounds of varying purity.

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7. Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman member of the United States Supreme Court, believed that the courts should interpret the laws _____ legislate.

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8. _____, some of the Earth’s interior heat escapes to the surface.

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9. Sarah Frances Whiting opened the _____ of physics in the United States in 1878.

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10. The gibbon ranges over _____ other apes do.

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11. _____ angles of any triangle always add up to 180 degrees

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12. _____ that book American art out of the fomanticism of the mid 1800’s and carried it to the most powerful heights of realism.

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13. _____ that ornithischians, planteating dinosaurs, lived about 225 million years ago.

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14. The coherent light of a laser _____ entirely of synchronized waves of a single frequency that travel in the same direction.

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15. The acting of Mary Ann Duff was characterized by subdued dramatic force, fidelity to ____, and a marked unity of effect.

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