Đề 13: Đề thi toefl itp 15 câu đầu

Associated with the Denishawncompany from 1916 until 1923, Martha Grahaim developed a powerful, _____ that was integral to the foundations of modern dance.


Some snakes lay eggs, but others _____ birth to live offspring.


Because it was so closely related to communication, _____ art form to develop.


Halley’s Comet had its first documented sighting in 240 B.C. in China and _____it has been seen from the Earth 29 times.


____ plants, which manufacture their own food, animals obtain nourishment by acquiring and ingesting their food.


The Hawaiian alphabet, introduced by missionaries in the 1820’s, ____ and only seven consonants.


Working like a telescope, ____ the size of objects at great distances.


____ to inanimate objects, such as machines, is a form of animism.


____, dolphins have no sense of smell.


Illustrator Norman Rockwell specialized in finely drawn, richly anecdotal scenes _____.


_____ depends on the density of both the object and the water.


Sturgeons are prized for their blackish roe, _____ when salted and served as an appetizer is called caviar.


In Navajo society, not only _____ for food and for woo, but also as a means of payment or exchange.


The repertory of a concert band _____ traditionally included flourishes, marches, and music transcribed from other media.


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