Đề 16: Đề thi toefl itp 25 câu sau

Abraham Lincoln delivery his most famous address at the dedication of the soldiers cemetery in Gettysburg.


Stalagmites are produced when water to drop directly to the floor of a cave.


Regulation of public utilities in the United States is carried out by locally, state, and federal governments.


In some occupations, the computer has already replaced the motor vehicle as the principal conserve of time and laboring.


Farming becomes more expensive when farmers are forced to apply greater quantities of costly fertilizers for to sustain yields.


The metaphors we use routinely are the means which by we describe our everyday experiences.


The aging process is not entirely determined by heredity, but is influenced by different environmental and social circumstances as good.


The waterwheel is a mechanism designed to harness energy from a source instead than animals.


If they are prepared skillfully, soybeans they can be appetizing as well as nutritious.


A time zone is a slightly irregular north-south belts that extends from pole to pole.


One out of every ten persons in the 1978 United States labor force was a teenager, compared by one out of fifteen in 1960.


Gypsum is too soft that it is easy to scratch it with a fingernail.


The poet Marianne Moore was initially associated with the imagist movement, but later develops her own rhyme patterns and verse forms.


The most worst economic reversal of the twentieth century, the Great Depression of the 1930’s, began in the United states and spread abroad.


Many narcotic plants and its products, such as nicotine, are effective in controlling insects.


Scientists finding out that the universe is even larger and more complex than anyone has ever imagined.


Because their properties differ from those of their constituents, proper alloys can great increase the corrosion resistance of a metal.


The ability to retain a mental record of earlier experiences are referred to as “memory”.


Harriet Monroe’s verse survive today as evidence of her undiscouraged zeal for the advancement of modern poetry.


“How does the human brain work?” remains one of the most profound questions confront modern science.


Cadence may be considered the rise and fall in intensified of sounds.


Like squirrels, tree shrews are bearing well-developed claws on their digits and are generally active during daylight hours.



Even many early leaders of the United States have provided names for towns, only George Washington is remembered in the name of a state.


Numerous insects, special the butterfly, have weak powers of flight.


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