Đề 26: Đề thi toefl itp 25 câu sau

Porcelain is not a single clay, and a compound of kaolin, ball clay, feldspar, and silica.


The bison, know for the hump over its shoulders, is usually called a buffalo in North America.


Perspiration, the body’s built-in cooling mechanism occurs as a natural reaction to nervousness, intense heat, or vigorously exercise.


The most useful way of looking at a map is not as a piece of papers, but as a record of geographically organized information.


Vitamin A is essential to bone grow and to the healthiness of the skin and mucous membranes.


The Moon, being much more nearer to the Earth than the Sun, is the principal cause of the tides.


Public recognition of Ben Shahn as a major American artistic began with a retrospective show of his work in 1948.


To produce one pound of honey, a colony of bees must fly a distance equals to twice around the world.


The domestic dog, considered to be the first tamed animal, is coexisting with human beings since the days of the cave dwellers.


Specially bred varieties of lettuce can be grown in water containing dissolve nutritious rather than in soil.


Throughout the 1930’s,United States government patronage the arts was concentrated in the section of the Works Progress Administration known as Federal One.


Beverly Sills was a child radio star who became one of the world’s most dramatically gifted opera singer, making her debut at seventeen.


In the practice of Gestalt therapy, many attention is given to nonverbal aspects of behavior.


The primary function of a sonometer is to calculate and demonstrate the relations mathematical of melodious tones.


The most useful way of looking at a map is not as a piece of papers, but as a record of geographically organized information.


One of the wildest and most inaccessible parts of the United States are the Everglades where wildlife is abundant and largely protected.


The dromedary camel is raised especially to racing.


The founding of the Boston Library in 1653 demonstrate the early North American colonists interest in books and libraries.


Carbohydrates,which include cellulose, sugary, and starches, are the most abundant class of organic substances found in nature.


During the pre-Revolutionary period, the press in Britain’s North American colonies was subject to licensing laws similar to them of Great Britain itself.


In its pure state aluminum is a weak metal, but when combined with e elements such as copper or magnesium, it is formed alloys of great strength.


Essential a nineteenth-century instrument, the calliope was usually played outdoors and was a part of fairs, holiday gatherings, and other such activities.


Winter broccoli has large, white heads similar to those of cauliflower, whereas sprouting broccoli produces numerous small purplish, green, or white clump.


Greenpeace, an international organization of environmental activists founded by Canadians, uses nonviolent means to protest and block activities it considers environmentally harm.


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