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Created on By KienThucTheoNamThangKienThucTheoNamThang

Đề 3 thuộc 25 câu sau

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1. A mutation is result of a definite biochemical change in a gene that causes the offspring to vary in some characteristic from the parents.

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2. In June, 1846, near Sacramento, California, a number of new settlers rebelled in the Bear Flag Revolt and proclaiming California an independent republic.

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3. There are a series of large-scale wind patterns all over Earth are called prevailing winds that have a direct effect on weather and climate.

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4. Mitosis is the normal process by which a cell divides, each new cell ending up wich a same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

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5. The oldest public edifice in Washington D.C, the White House was originally constructed in the 1790`s, also has been rebuilt or extensively remodeled three times since .

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6. Orchid seeds take up to eighteen months to mature before they sprout, and the young plants may need another two years to reach at the flowering stage.

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7. Magnesium has little structural strength and must be alloyed with another metals such as aluminum and zinc when it is to be subjected to stress

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8. Canada began cultivation wheat intensively in 1910, which led to a demand for tools, machines, housing , and building supplies .

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9. The United States, a nation with a highly diversified economy , is a major exporter of grain, fruit, chemical , aircraft, and cars.

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10. By the late twelve century, stained glass had emerged in Europe as an integral part of Gothic architecture.

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11. In 1989 Tillie Fowler a Republican, became the first member of her party to serving as president of the city council of Jacksonville, Florida

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12. The initial discovery by humans almost 10,000 years ago that they could exploit metallic mineral deposits was an important milestone in the development civilization .

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13. A liquid that might be a poor conductor when pure is often used to make solutions that readily transmits electricity.

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14. Generally , the pattern of open space in urban areas has shaped by commercial systems, governmental actions , and cultural traditions.

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15. The phonograph record was the first successful medium for capturing, preservation and reproducing sound .

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16. The velocity of a river is controlled by the slope , the depth, and the tough of the riverbed.

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17. Dolphins are sleek and powerful swimmers that found in all seas and unlike porpoises have well defined, beaklike snouts and conical teeth .

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18. The cultures early of the genus Homo were generally distinguished by regular use of stone tools and by a hunting and gathering economy .

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19. In a microwave oven, radiation penetrates food and is then absorbed primarily by water molecules, caused heat to spread through the food .

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20. The first city in the United States that put into effect major plan for the clustering of government buildings was Washington, D.C.

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21. In his animated films, Walt Disney created animals that talk and act like people while retaining its animal traits.

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22. Geographers were once concerned largely with exploring areas unknown to them and from describing distinctive features of individual places .

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23. Some animal activities, such as mating, migration, and hibernate , have a yearly cycle.

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24. Perhaps the most popular film in movie history, Star Wars was written and direction by George Lucas.

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25. More and 90 percent of the calcium in the human body is in the skeleton.

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