Đề 36: Đề thi toefl itp 15 câu đầu

Duke Ellington was a composer, conductor, and pianist — ranked as one of the greatest of all jazz figures.


— became a state in 1876.


The fragrances of many natural substances come from oils, — these oils may be used in manufacturing perfumes.


Because the saxophone is an excellent solo instrument, — in some important orchestral works.


Before Geraldine Ferraro was selected as the Democratic Party’s vice presidential candidate in 1984, no woman — run for national office in the United States on a major party ticket.


The National Medal of Science is the ____ given by the United States government.


Prehistoric people made paints by grinding colored materials ____ into powder and adding water.


The concept of television, ____ images over distances, had intrigued scientists even before the intention of moving pictures or radio.


____ at a music store was one of Lil Armstong’s first professional jobs as a young pianist when she came to Chicago in 1917.


____, Kilauea is one of the world’s most active volcanoes, having erupted dozens of times since 1952.


Not until the eighteenth century ____ the complex chemistry of metallurgy.


____ 1810, water-powered textile manufacturing arrived in New Hampshire with the founding of a company in Manchester that manufactured cotton and wool.


The settings of Eudora Welty’s stories may be rather limited, but ____about human nature is quite broad.


Lichens grow extremely well in very cold parts of the world ____plants can survive.


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