Đề 5: Đề thi toefl itp 15 câu đầu

Charlie Parker, _____ was one of the creators of the music style called “bop.”


The world’s deepest cave, Pierre St. Martin in the Pyrenees Mountains, is almost three times as deep _____.



When Columbus reached the New World, corn was the _____ in the Americas.


Because kaolin shrinks in firing at a different rate than ordinary clay, _____ when creating pottery using both types of clay.


The ceremonial Chilcat blanket of the Northwest Tlingit Indians was generally _____ from cedar bark, wool, and goats’ hair.



As Mercury moves in its solar orbit, _____ its axis, an imaginary line that runs through its center.



The Hawthrone studies, _____ the monotonous working conditions of factory personnel, were a major contribution to industrial psychology.



It is unlikely that a nation would choose war if its goals _____ peacefully.



Their keen senses of hearing and smell have made some types of dogs _____ in hunting and tracking and as security guards.



Wild eagles that survive to adulthood are believed __________ from 20 to 30 years.



Portland, __________, is located primarily on two hilly peninsulas overlooking Casco Bay and its many islands.



_________ widely used in the chemical industry, sodium carbonate is principally consumed by the glass industry.



Cells, first identified by the early microscopists, began to be considered _________ in the nineteenth century.



Like Jupiter, Saturn is a large, gaseous planet composed _________ of hydrogen and helium.


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