Đề ngữ pháp Toefl itp 1993-10

Các bạn dùng đồng hồ đếm giờ để làm bài. Tổng thời gian là 25 phút thì các bạn nên làm hoàn thành dưới 20 phút. Đây là cách để bạn có thể làm chủ được thời gian khi làm bài thi thực tế. Chúc các bạn may mắn. Hãy tự tin và tập trung

1.A fuel is a substance used — light, heat, or energy.


2.The state of Maine generally has cooler temperatures than —.


3.Fruit is one of the most abundant, nutritious, and — foods a person can eat.


4,Prescriptions for corrective lenses that are provided by an optometrist are often brought to an optician who — the lenses.


5.Loganberries can be used in jams — their juice.


6.From her early teens —.


7.Adhesive, such as glue, tape, and gum, vary with the purpose — intended.


8.Alaskan forests — five or six miles inland from the Pacific coast.


9.The colors of a rainbow — arranged in the same order.


10.—, The Yearling, won a Pulitzer Prize.


11.Jimmy Connors, well-known tennis champion, is supposed — that he did not want to participate in all the tournaments once he had reached forty.


12.The month is not a suitable unit of measure for determining the seasons — the seasons are a solar, not a lunar phenomenon.


13.The human skeleton consists of more than two hundred bones — together by tough and relatively inelastic connective tissues called ligaments.


14.Not until about 20,000B. C. — executed.


15.In 1727 Benjamin Franklin founded one of the first adult-education organizations — the Junto.


16.At the future, banks will be offering an increasingly broad spectrum of financial services.


17.Considered one of America’s greatest playwrights, Eugene O’Neill win the Novel Prize for literature in 1936.


18.The density of a substance is calculus by dividing its mass by its volume.


20.In the 1950’s, aircraft were developed that flew high they could hardly be seen from the ground.


21.Paper is strong under tension instead crumples easily under the stress of compression.


22.Tariffs are the taxes or customs duties levied against goods that are import from another country.


23.Each person in the United States consumes an average of 560 pounds of dairy productivity every year.


24.The vascular system consist of the heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, and lymphatics.


25.The Hopi community of Oraibi in northeastern Arizona is one of the oldest, not if the oldest, continuously occupied settlements north of Mexico.


26.When a corporation needs to raise large amounts of capital, common stock can be issued and sell in part to outside investors.


27.The development of stratus clouds is extremely common over the cold seawater away the northwestern United States coast.


28.Contemporary management practice have been influenced by investigations in the behavioral sciences.


29.The Yukon River, which flows into the Bering Sea, gives its name to a region of Alaska and a territory of the Canada.


30.Although the United States experienced rapidly growth in the first half of the nineteenth century, it was still predominately concerned with agriculture and forestry.


31.Porgy and Bess by George Gershwin has called the first truly successful North American opera.


32.Over the past two decades, the popularity of the bicycle as a mean of transportation and recreation has increased tremendously in the United States.


33.Having resided in New Mexico for many years, painter Georgia O’Keefe employs such as Southwestern motifs as bleached bones, rolling hills, and desert blooms.


34.Louisa My Alcott’s most famous novels, Little Women and one of the sequels, Little Men are considered classics for childrens.


35.Weaving was a function household in the first settlements in colonial America.


36.Fascination by the promise of the internal combustion engine and its application to a self-propelled vehicle, Henry Ford constructed a one-cylinder gasoline motor in1892.


37.Marble has long been highly valued for its beautiful, strength, and resistance to fire and erosion.


38.A majority of the reports received from people claiming to have seen the legendary Loch Ness Monster have proven to be mistakes, misconceptions, or they were being tricked.


39.For convenience it is common to speak of plants as “herbs,” “shrubs,” and “trees,” but it is really no sharp distinctions among them.


40.The labor movement developed differently in the United States from the way did it in other countries.


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