them, Tin tức Đề 1: Đề thi toefl itp 25 câu sau 18 Th1 According to modern astronomers, the space between the planets and stars is not empty; rather he is filled with something called dark matter. A B C D In the late nineteenth century, journalist and publisher William Randolph Hearst established a vast publishing empire that included Eighteen newspapers in twelve city. A B C D Because the diamond is the hardest naturally substance, it is used in industry for to cut, grinding, and boring other hard materials. A B C D The survival of a forest depends not only on the amount of annual rainfall it receives, and also on the seasonal distribution of the rain. A B C D Being chemical compounds, minerals have characteristic shapes and colors, whereas do rocks not. A B C D Some of the first aerial photographs were taken from a balloon while the Civil War in the United States. A B C D Beyond their importance as a source of food for both people and animals, corn is also used to produce alcohol-based fuels. A B C D The Bollingen Prize in poetry established of the Bollingen Foundation, is a $1,000 award for the year’s highest achievement in poetry in the United States. A B C D For more eighty years, scientists have argued over whether life exists on the planet Mars. A B C D Ludmilla Turkevich, known as a translator and scholar in the field of Russian literature, she became a member of the faculty of Princeton University during the Second World War. A B C D The Architectural History Foundation was established in 1977 to support the publication of important book on architecture. A B C D Wildlife photographers are involved of a new government project to docum the 50 most endangered species in the United States. A B C D Most bats roost in crevices, caves, or building by day and are active at night or twilight. A B C D hanges within the chemist structure of single genes may be induced by exposure to radiation and extreme temperatures. A B C D A landmark famous, the Brooklyn Bridge in New Yolk was one of the first woven wire cable suspension bridges ever constructed. A B C D Industry’s need for more and minerals is a constant challenge to the mining industry to make new discoveries. A B C D The waters of Hanauma Bay in Oahu, Hawaii, are known for the color, diversity and abundant of their tropical fish. A B C D The United States government program Head Start prepares children for school encourages the involvement of local communities in the children’s Development. A B C D Brown rice has great nutritional value than white rice because the nutrient-rice outer layers of the rice kernel are not removed from brown rice. A B C D After 1845, pestilence spread in Boston, but before then, Boston was a city in which the life span of its citizens was long and disease was rarely. A B C D Entomologists, scientists who study insects, are often concerned with the fungus, poisonous, or virus carried by a particular insect. A B C D The eight stripes of red, white, and blue on state flag of Hawaii represent Hawaii’s eight major islands. A B C D Cool temperatures, shade, moist, and the presence of dead organic material provide the ideal living conditions for mushrooms. A B C D Metalworkers use the term “machine tool” to refer to a piece of an equipment used for shaping metal. A B C D In pools, goldfish are not just ornamental: since they feed on mosquito larva they are also benefit. A B C D Loading … [related_posts_by_tax title=""]