Đề 27: Đề thi toefl itp 25 câu sau

A children’s librarian often conducts story hours and other activities to help children enjoy herself while developing an interest in reading and the library’s resources.


Titanium has the strength of steel but weighs half only as much, hence its advantage for use in aircraft.


Protective behaviors of amphibians include hiding in the presence of danger and having coloration such closely matching the environment that the animal is not obvious.


While models of automobiles date back as far as the late 1600’s, the 1880’s seen the first commercial interest in the vehicle.


The conceptual of musical harmony is generally traced to the ninth century because it is first mentioned in treatises of that period.


The first piloted balloon flight across the Atlantic Ocean took place at 1978.


The Arts and Crafts Movement of the late nineteenth century strove to revitalizing handicrafts and applied arts during an era of increasing mass production.


Primitive humans probably did not deliberately cook food until long after they had learned to use fire for light and warm.


In the eighteenth century, the Pawnees, descendants of the Nebraska culture, lived in villages sizeable on the Loup and Platte rivers in central Nebraska.


The attraction of opposite charges is one of the force that keep electrons in orbit around of nucleus of an atom.


In 1820 there were only 65 daily newspapers in the united states, which total daily circulation of perhaps 100,000.


The Milky Way galaxy includes the Sun, its planets, and rest of the solar system, along with billions of stars and other objects.


As the highest-paid star of the silent screen, earning a reputedly income of $20, 000 a week, Gloria Swanson epitomized the glamour of Hollywood in the 1920’s.


Candles may be made by repeatedly dipping wicks in tallow, by molding, nor by pouring melted wax over the wicks and rolling them into shape.


Paleontologists have examined fossil embryos and hatchlings from three type of duck-billed dinosaurs to figure out how they matured.


Lightning tends to strike the nearest good conductor, and hence often strikes in same place more than once.


When study different cultures and societies, anthropologists often focus on marriage as a contractual agreement between different parties.


When canned using proper methods, food suffers no loss in vitamins or another nutritive elements.


Heat exhaustion is causing by excessive loss of body fluids and body salts.


Of every the major traditions of wood carving, the one that is closest in structure to the tree is the crest pole made by the Native Americans of the Northwest coast.


Many of the fine-grained varieties of sedimentary rocks known as shales yield oil when distilled by hot.


Evidence from ancient fossils indicates the scorpion may had been among the first land animals.


Jetties, piers designed to aid in marine navigation, are constructed primary of wood, stone, concrete, or combinations of these materials.


The Barnes Foundation in Merion, Pennsylvania, was chartered in 1922 to promotion art education by providing art classes and by establishing a publishing program.


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