Đề 6: Đề thi toefl itp 25 câu sau

New words for toefl itp reading: Affection,Associate,Bond,Clique,Confide,Exclusive,Fluctuate,In common,Solidarity

Gone With the Wind, the epic novel about life in South during the Civil War period, took ten years write.


None two butterflies have exactly the same design on their wings.


Since it lives in the desert, the collared lizard depends from insects for water as well as for food.


The Texas Panhandle region, in the northwestern part of the state, produces more wheat, cotton, and grain sorghum than any of other area of Texas.


The extraordinary beautiful of orchids makes them the basis of a multimillion dollar floral industry.


The Vermont Elememary Science Project, according to its founders, are designed to challenge some of the most widely held beliefs about teaching.


Bacteria lived in the soil play a vital role in recycling the carbon and nitrogen needed by plants.


Diplomatic negotiations generally take place in embassies or in the foreign offices of the countries which in ambassadors are accredited.


Because of its low cholesterol content, margarine is a widely used substitute from butter.


After the Boston Tea Party in 1773, coffeehouses in the North American colonies became centers for gossip, gamble, and political criticism.


Genetic engineering is helping researchers unravel the mysteries of previously incurable diseases so that they can get to its root causes and find cures.


The Montessori method of education stresses initiative and self-reliance to permitting pupils to pursue independently whatever interests them, but within disciplined limits.


A coral reef, a intricate aquatic community of plants and animals, is found only in warm, shallow, sunlit seas.


Carnegie hall was the first building in New York designed special for orchestral music.


Light rays what enter the eye must be focused onto a point on the retina in order for a clear visual image to form.


The orangutan’s hands and feet are designed for holding and grasping branches, and its powerful immensely arms enable it to climb and swing in trees without difficulty.


The number 8.5 is an example of a “mixed number” because it is composing of an integer and a fraction.


it is kept dry, a seed can still sprout up to forty years after their formation.


In The Sociology of Science, now considered a classic, Robert Merton discusses cultural, economy and social forces that contributed to the development of modern science.


The novelist Shirley Hazzard is noted for the insight, poetic style, and sensitive she demonstrates in her works.


Compare with the jagged estuaries of the Atlantic coast, the Pacific coast seems almost uniformly straight.


Studies by B.F. Skinner indicate that reward positively reinforces behavior and makes that behavior likely more to recur.


Mathematical puzzles are common into history because they have been used a intelligence tests and amusements.


Most authorities consider both dreaming while sleep and daydreaming to be forms of fantasy.


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