Đề ngữ pháp Toefl itp 1990-05

Các bạn dùng đồng hồ đếm giờ để làm bài. Tổng thời gian là 25 phút thì các bạn nên làm hoàn thành dưới 20 phút. Đây là cách để bạn có thể làm chủ được thời gian khi làm bài thi thực tế. Chúc các bạn may mắn. Hãy tự tin và tập trung

1. 1.When —in arctic regions, the Aleuts construct igloos as temporary winter shelters.


2. 2.Most substances contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance’s solid is —of its liquid.


3. 3.The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is —clearly understood.


4. 4.Desert animals —a means of retaining moisture in such a hot, dry climate if they are to survive.


5. 5.—state of Wyoming is also known as the “Equality State” because Wyoming women were the first in the nation to vote.


6. 6.Fructose is a monosaccharide sugar that is much sweeter —.


7. 7.Ground plans and contour maps of the Earth —from aerial photographs.


8. 8.By the middle of the twentieth century, painters and sculptors in the United States had begun to exert —over art


9. 9.—millions of galaxies exist in the vast space outside the Milky Way.


10. 10.The extent of the harmful effect of locoweeds on animals depends on the soil —the plants grow.


11. 11.The operetta first —as a popular form of musical theater in the nineteenth century.


12. 12.—complex organic catalysts originating in living cells.


13. 13.In the eastern part of New Jersey —, a major shipping and manufacturing center.


14. 14.Work in parapsychology, —, has attracted a relatively small number of scientists.


15. 15.—, the constitution of the Cherokee Nation provided for a chief executive, a senate, and a house of representatives.


16. 16.Sociological studies have found that deeply hold values and principles are highly resistant to change.


17. 17.For centuries large communities of people have living on houseboats in parts of the world where the climate is warm and the waters are calm.


19. 19.Not only do artificial reefs provide fish with food and shelter, they also serve as importantly underwater landmarks.


20. 20.The United States Department of Agriculture supervises the quality, clean, and purity of meat.


21. 21.All birds, alike most reptiles and a few primitive mammals, develop from embryos in eggs outside the mother’s body.


22. 22,The expansion of adult training programs has resulted partially from the feminist movement, which encouraging women to improve their skills for the job market.


23. 23.The most significant cosmological characteristic of the galaxies are the red shift in their optical spectra.


24. 24.James Whistler was indifferent to the titles of his painted and even changed the names of some works years after their completion.


25. 25.Duke Ellington’s orchestra, playing his original compositions and arrangements, achieving a fine unity of style and made numerous innovations in modern jazz.


26. 26.Moles are almost completely blind, although its tiny eyes can distinguish light from dark.


27. 27.Noise is a psychological term referring toward unpleasant, unwanted, or intolerable sound.


28. 28.Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman medical doctor in the United States, founded the New York Infirmary, an institution that have always had a completely female medical staff.


29. 29.Criminal contempt, committed in the presence of the court, may consist of disorderly behavior, disrespectful, or disobedience of a judge’s orders.


30. 30.The Cubist movement in art was a reaction against traditional methods of portray reality.


31. 31.During the 1600’s skilled shoemakers scarce were in what is now the United States.


32. 32.If a atom loses any of its electrons, it becomes positively charged and can combine chemically with other atoms.


33. 33.The National Education Association conduct extensive research on a great many aspects of education.


34. 34.The pain-killing agent most commonly administered in dentistry is the local anesthetic, who produces loss of feeling only in a specific area.


35. 35.Certain types of computers work properly only in environments with controlled precisely temperatures.


36. 36.The gorilla, while not as curious than the chimpanzee, shows more persistence and memory retention in solving a problem.


37. 37.The belief in fairies have existed from earliest times, and the literature of many countries includes tales of fairies and their relationship to humans.


38. 38.Acrylic paint enables artists to experiment with many colors effects.


39. 39.Salt Lake City, Utah’s capital and largest city, is industrial and banking center.


40. 40.A rat’s sharp teeth can gnaw through wood, plaster, or soft metallic such as lead.


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