Thành ngữ về tình yêu (Idioms about Love)

1. Love at first sight

Tình yêu từ cái nhìn đầu tiên
Vd: Jim and Sue had a very happy ending after three months of dating. It was love at first sight.
Vd: /ʤɪm/ /ænd/ /su/ /hæd/ /ə/ /ˈvɛri/ /ˈhæpi/ /ˈɛndɪŋ/ /ˈæftər/ /θri/ /mʌnθs/ /ʌv/ /ˈdeɪtɪŋ/. /ɪt/ /wʌz/ /lʌv/ /æt/ /fɜrst/ /saɪt/.
Vd: I don’t believe in love at first sight. Love needs time to grow.
Vd: /aɪ/ /doʊnt/ /bɪˈliv/ /ɪn/ /lʌv/ /æt/ /fɜrst/ /saɪt/. /lʌv/ /nidz/ /taɪm/ /tu/ /groʊ/.
Vd: I loved him at first sight. He’s the man I’ve been searching for.
Vd: /aɪ/ /lʌvd/ /hɪm/ /æt/ /fɜrst/ /saɪt/. /hiz/ /ðə/ /mæn/ /aɪv/ /bɪn/ /ˈsɜrʧɪŋ/ /fɔr/.

2. Match made in heaven

Hai người hoàn hảo, tâm đầu ý hợp
Vd: Tim and Anna are a match made in heaven. I believe they’ll soon have a happy ending.
Vd: /tɪm/ /ænd/ /ˈænə/ /ɑr/ /ə/ /mæʧ/ /meɪd/ /ɪn/ /ˈhɛvən/. /aɪ/ /bɪˈliv/ /ðeɪl/ /sun/ /hæv/ /ə/ /ˈhæpi/ /ˈɛndɪŋ/.
Vd: All the guests thought that the bride and groom were a match made in heaven.
Vd: /ɔl/ /ðə/ /gɛsts/ /θɔt/ /ðæt/ /ðə/ /braɪd/ /ænd/ /grum/ /wɜr/ /ə/ /mæʧ/ /meɪd/ /ɪn/ /ˈhɛvən/.
Vd: No one can deny that my parents are a match made in heaven. They’ve been through ups and downs together for 30 years.
Vd: /noʊ/ /wʌn/ /kæn/ /dɪˈnaɪ/ /ðæt/ /maɪ/ /ˈpɛrənts/ /ɑr/ /ə/ /mæʧ/ /meɪd/ /ɪn/ /ˈhɛvən/. /ðeɪv/ /bɪn/ /θru/ /ʌps/ /ænd/ /daʊnz/ /təˈgɛðər/ /fɔr/ 30 /jɪrz/.

3. Have a crush on someone

Phải lòng, thích người nào đó hoặc ai đó
Vd: She’s had a huge crush on him since they first met.
Vd: /ʃiz/ /hæd/ /ə/ /hjuʤ/ /krʌʃ/ /ɑn/ /hɪm/ /sɪns/ /ðeɪ/ /fɜrst/ /mɛt/.
Vd: She had a big crush on her math teacher when she was in high school.
Vd: /ʃi/ /hæd/ /ə/ /bɪg/ /krʌʃ/ /ɑn/ /hɜr/ /mæθ/ /ˈtiʧər/ /wɛn/ /ʃi/ /wʌz/ /ɪn/ /haɪ/ /skul/.
Vd: Tim accepted that he had a massive crush on Anna but then he didn’t confess it.
Vd: /tɪm/ /ækˈsɛptɪd/ /ðæt/ /hi/ /hæd/ /ə/ /ˈmæsɪv/ /krʌʃ/ /ɑn/ /ˈænə/ /bʌt/ /ðɛn/ /hi/ /ˈdɪdənt/ /kənˈfɛs/ /ɪt/.

4. To love with all your heart and soul

Yêu bằng cả trái tim và tâm hồn
Vd: I loved him with all my heart and soul but he still left me.
Vd: /aɪ/ /lʌvd/ /hɪm/ /wɪð/ /ɔl/ /maɪ/ /hɑrt/ /ænd/ /soʊl/ /bʌt/ /hi/ /stɪl/ /lɛft/ /mi/.
Vd: Have you ever loved someone with all your heart and soul?
Vd: /hæv/ /ju/ /ˈɛvər/ /lʌvd/ /ˈsʌmˌwʌn/ /wɪð/ /ɔl/ /jʊər/ /hɑrt/ /ænd/ /soʊl/?
Vd: Wendy chose to stay by her boyfriend even when he was disabled in a car accident. She loves him with all her heart and soul.
Vd: /ˈwɛndi/ /ʧoʊz/ /tu/ /steɪ/ /baɪ/ /hɜr/ /ˈbɔɪˌfrɛnd/ /ˈivɪn/ /wɛn/ /hi/ /wʌz/ /dɪˈseɪbəld/ /ɪn/ /ə/ /kɑr/ /ˈæksədənt/. /ʃi/ /lʌvz/ /hɪm/ /wɪð/ /ɔl/ /hɜr/ /hɑrt/ /ænd/ /soʊl/.

5. Wear your heart on your sleeve

Không hề che dấu cảm xúc của mình
Vd: I can tell that Mary is depressed after her broken relationship. She wears her heart on her sleeve.
Vd: /aɪ/ /kæn/ /tɛl/ /ðæt/ /ˈmɛri/ /ɪz/ /dɪˈprɛst/ /ˈæftər/ /hɜr/ /ˈbroʊkən/ /riˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp/. /ʃi/ /wɛrz/ /hɜr/ /hɑrt/ /ɑn/ /hɜr/ /sliv/.
Vd: I’m the type of person who wears my heart on my sleeve. Sometimes I need to learn to hide my emotions because I don’t want my parents to worry about me.
Vd: /aɪm/ /ðə/ /taɪp/ /ʌv/ /ˈpɜrsən/ /hu/ /wɛrz/ /maɪ/ /hɑrt/ /ɑn/ /maɪ/ /sliv/. /səmˈtaɪmz/ /aɪ/ /nid/ /tu/ /lɜrn/ /tu/ /haɪd/ /maɪ/ /ɪˈmoʊʃənz/ /bɪˈkɔz/ /aɪ/ /doʊnt/ /wɑnt/ /maɪ/ /ˈpɛrənts/ /tu/ /ˈwɜri/ /əˈbaʊt/ /mi/.
Vd: People who wear their heart on their sleeve tend to be good actors.
Vd: /ˈpipəl/ /hu/ /wɛr/ /ðɛr/ /hɑrt/ /ɑn/ /ðɛr/ /sliv/ /tɛnd/ /tu/ /bi/ /gʊd/ /ˈæktərz/.

6. Fall head over heels in love

Si mê ai đó, đang yêu một cách toàn tâm toàn ý, yêu tha thiết
Vd: He fell head over heels in love with Sarah and they got married three months after their first date.
Vd: /hi/ /fɛl/ /hɛd/ /ˈoʊvər/ /hilz/ /ɪn/ /lʌv/ /wɪð/ /ˈsɛrə/ /ænd/ /ðeɪ/ /gɑt/ /ˈmɛrid/ /θri/ /mʌnθs/ /ˈæftər/ /ðɛr/ /fɜrst/ /deɪt/.
Vd: I’ve never fallen head over heels for anyone but I wish I would.
Vd: /aɪv/ /ˈnɛvər/ /ˈfɑlən/ /hɛd/ /ˈoʊvər/ /hilz/ /fɔr/ /ˈɛniˌwʌn/ /bʌt/ /aɪ/ /wɪʃ/ /aɪ/ /wʊd/.
Vd: After her broken marriage, she never fell head over heels in love with anyone.
Vd: /ˈæftər/ /hɜr/ /ˈbroʊkən/ /ˈmɛrɪʤ/, /ʃi/ /ˈnɛvər/ /fɛl/ /hɛd/ /ˈoʊvər/ /hilz/ /ɪn/ /lʌv/ /wɪð/ /ˈɛniˌwʌn/.

7. Tie the knot

Kết hôn, đám cưới, làm hôn lễ
Vd: After a few months of dating, they decided to tie the knot in May.
Vd: /ˈæftər/ /ə/ /fju/ /mʌnθs/ /ʌv/ /ˈdeɪtɪŋ/, /ðeɪ/ /ˌdɪˈsaɪdɪd/ /tu/ /taɪ/ /ðə/ /nɑt/ /ɪn/ /meɪ/.
Vd: Tim tied the knot with Mary last year.
Vd: /tɪm/ /taɪd/ /ðə/ /nɑt/ /wɪð/ /ˈmɛri/ /læst/ /jɪr/.
Vd: Jenny is such an independent woman, she never wants to tie the knot.
Vd: /ˈʤɛni/ /ɪz/ /sʌʧ/ /ən/ /ˌɪndɪˈpɛndənt/ /ˈwʊmən/, /ʃi/ /ˈnɛvər/ /wɑnts/ /tu/ /taɪ/ /ðə/ /nɑt/.

8. Be the apple of one’s eye

Người mà ai đó yêu thương và tự hào nhất
Vd: There are 30 students in this class but Lisa is the apple of the teacher’s eye because she’s helpful and friendly.
Vd: /ðɛr/ /ɑr/ 30 /ˈstudənts/ /ɪn/ /ðɪs/ /klæs/ /bʌt/ /ˈlisə/ /ɪz/ /ði/ /ˈæpəl/ /ʌv/ /ðə/ /ˈtiʧərz/ /aɪ/ /bɪˈkɔz/ /ʃiz/ /ˈhɛlpfəl/ /ænd/ /ˈfrɛndli/.
Vd: Tony is the apple of my eye; he’s not only handsome but also very gallant.
Vd: /ˈtoʊni/ /ɪz/ /ði/ /ˈæpəl/ /ʌv/ /maɪ/ /aɪ/; /hiz/ /nɑt/ /ˈoʊnli/ /ˈhænsəm/ /bʌt/ /ˈɔlsoʊ/ /ˈvɛri/ /ˈgælənt/.
Vd: Rick is the only child in his family; he’s the apple of his parents’ eye.
Vd: /rɪk/ /ɪz/ /ði/ /ˈoʊnli/ /ʧaɪld/ /ɪn/ /hɪz/ /ˈfæməli/; /hiz/ /ði/ /ˈæpəl/ /ʌv/ /hɪz/ /ˈpɛrənts/ /aɪ/.

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