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Created by KienThucTheoNamThangKienThucTheoNamThang

Lam quen văn phong Toefl Itp listening 98

1 / 5

1) A: If George misses one more meeting we are going to have to find one new committee secretary.
B: We'd better give him a n ultimatum.
Q: What does the man suggest they do?

2 / 5

2) A: Are you sure you don't mind getting the concert tickets? I wouldn't be able to pay you back until Friday when I get paid.
B: No problem. I'm glad I can help and we'll be able to go together.
Q: What does the man mean?

3 / 5

3) A: Have heard the news? The manager posted this month's work schedule.
B: She did? Where?
Q: What does the woman ask?

4 / 5

4) A: Will you be living in the dormitory this year?
B: Not if I can help it. I've been thinking of renting an apartment off campus with some friends of mine
Q: What does the man imply?

5 / 5

5) A: The plot of that movie is hard to find.
B: It makes more sense the second time.
Q: What can be inferred about the woman?

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