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Created by KienThucTheoNamThangKienThucTheoNamThang

Trắc nghiệm Ngữ pháp Toefl Itp 25 câu sau 16

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1) Saturn takes almost 30 Earth years to make one trip around the Sun, during Jupiter takes about twelve Earth years to complete one solar revolution

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2) Between 1905 and 1907, floodwaters from the Colorado River poured into a salt-covered depression and creating the Salton Sea.

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3) Different fourteen crops were being grown 8,600 years ago by some of the world’s earliest farmers .

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4) Hair grows more quickly in summer than in winter and more slowly at the night than during the day.

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5) The chemical element chlorine is a corrosive, greenish-yellow gas that has sharp odor and has 21/2 times heavier than air.

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6) One of the most impressive cultural achievements of the United State during the 1920’s was a vastly outpouring of serious literature .

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7) Recently archaeologists have strived to develop theories, based on archaeological evident , that explain societal changes such as the development of farming..

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8) Most female lizards lay eggs, but the females of a number of lizard species bear her young alive.

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9) New York City’s theatrical district was concentrated the Bowery from 1860 to 1875, and around 1900 the avenue became a center for the Yiddish theater.

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10) In most cases of epilepsy, cerebral electrical activity, also known as brain waves, demonstrates a characteristically abnormal rhythms .

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11) Eleanor Roosevelt played a leading part in women’s organizations, and she was active in encouraging youth movements , in promoting consumer welfare, and to work for civil rights.

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12) Since the turn of the century , the number of Native Americans living in Canada is increased .

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13) The General Sherman tree, a giant sequoia in California, has grown to be the world’s largest plant at approximate 272 feet tall.

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14) In 1967, Canada’s year centennial , one and a quarter million people from all over the world visited Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

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15) Although the art of sand painting originated with neighboring Pueblo Indians, the Navajo Indians have refined and richly reinterpreted they symbology and execution.

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16) Soap is used as a lubricant in making tiny wires for electrical appliances such television sets and telephones .

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17) The katydid, a type of grasshopper, is actively at night and rests motionless amid foliage during the day.

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18) Scientists has found that the saliva of the octopus contains a substance that function s as a powerful heart stimulant.

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19) The invention of a cotton gin by Eit Whitney in 1793 made cotton yarn more economy than linen yarn.

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20) Vervet mons have a well-developed systems vocal communication .

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21) In the 1800’s daguerreotypes were used a greatest deal, especially for portraits.

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22) The sonometer is instrument used to study the mathematical relations of harmonic tones.

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23) The clasmosaur, a giant prehistoric sea reptile with Uerce-looking jaws and flippers, had a muscular neck that accounted for much than half its length.

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24) Astronauts circling the Earth may get to seen sixteen sunrises and sixteen sunsets every “day”.

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25) The Wright brother’s Flyer, who they built and flew in 1903, became world’s first successful airplane.

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