them, Tin tức Đề 9: Đề thi toefl itp 25 câu sau 18 Th1 Gold or silver bullions serve into commerce as mediums of exchange all over the world. A B C D Today’s farmers have increased milk production greatly through improved methods of breeding, feeding, and manage dairy cattle. A B C D Hypoglycemia is a condition in which a rapidly drop in blood sugar most often results from an oversecretion of insulin from pancreas. A B C D Absolutely nothing that floats, neither a corked bottle nor a 50,000-ton ships, can escape the effects of water currents. A B C D The Wright Brothers were owner of a bicycle shop, and they used a number of bicycle parts to make the original motorized airplane. A B C D Slow growth in the early 1900’s, linked with rising unemployment, less spend, and meager business investments, led many experts to declare a recession. A B C D Orchestrating musical works requires a understanding of the range and characteristics of each instrument. A B C D Much of the significant research related for the theory of numbers concerns the distribution of prime numbers. A B C D In some areas of the United States, unfavorable climate or soil make farming an impossible task. A B C D Naturalists have identified at least four hundred of species of mammals and six hundred types of birds in the state of California. A B C D Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly to backwards. A B C D Fluorine, a greenish-yellow gas that is slightly heavy than air is poisonous and corrosive and has a penetrating and disagreeable odor. A B C D The Everglades, a large swamp area is an unique wilderness extending over much of southern Florida. A B C D Newborn infants show a distinct preference for human voices over other sounds and also prefer her own mothers’ voices to the voices of strangers. A B C D The chippewa and Santee Sioux of the Upper Mississippi River regional have used catlinite to produce carvings for almost 150 years. A B C D Gemstones are usually bright, color, opaque or transparent minerals found in the rocks of the Earth . A B C D The modern detective story, in which a detective solves a crime by discovering and interpretation evidence, is considered to have originated with Edgar Allan Poe’s “ The Murders in the Rue Morgue” in 1841. A B C D The superintendent of women nurse for the Union Army during the Civil War was Dorothea Dix . A B C D The Canadian province of British columbia is rich of minerals and, because over 50 percent of the land is covered with forests, lumbering is its major industry. A B C D Each major styles of architecture emerged because new problems in building or challenges in design appeared for architects to resolve. A B C D Instead of tooth, the blue whale has a row of bony plates in its mouth that functions as a food-collecting device. A B C D Murres are black-and-white driving birds that mate every five or six years and lay only a single egg at time. A B C D A bar code consists a pattern of lines and bars that a computer can translate into information. A B C D Each year millions of tons of fertile topsoil that could produce good crops washed away by rains. A B C D Since the 1950’s, folk’ music has had a significant influence on many popular vocal and instrumental music. A B C D Loading … [related_posts_by_tax title=""]