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Created by KienThucTheoNamThangKienThucTheoNamThang

Lam quen văn phong Toefl Itp listening 58

1 / 5

1) M: I just count my traveler’s checks for the trip to CaliforniA: I hope 300 dollars will be enough.
W: I guess I'd better do that before Friday uh? Maybe I can get to the bank tomorrow after physics class.
Q: What can be inferred about the woman?

2 / 5

2) W: Sally and Mark haven’t been talking to each other lately. I wonder what happened.
M: I haven't the definite ideA: But I'd stay out of it if I were you.
Q: What does the man mean?

3 / 5

3) M: Did you hear that my parents are planning a trip to Vancouver?
W: What for?
Q: What does the woman want to know?

4 / 5

4) M: I keep putting off getting my passport application.
W: Thank Goodness I didn't drag my feet on that one
Q: What does the woman mean?

5 / 5

5) W: How about the cup of sets of tennis this weekend?
M: I don't know. My game's a little rusty.
Q: What does the man imply?

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