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Created by KienThucTheoNamThangKienThucTheoNamThang

Lam quen văn phong Toefl Itp listening 71

1 / 5

1) W: My cousin Bob is getting married in California and I can't decide whether to go.
M: It's a long trip, but I think you'll have a good time.
Q: What does the man imply?

2 / 5

2) W: Excuse me, could you bring me a glass of water, please?
M: Sorry, but I am not a waiter.
Q: What does the man mean?

3 / 5

3) M: You did an excellent job on that presentation.
W: Thanks, I put a lot of time into it.
Q: What does the woman mean?

4 / 5

4) M: Got the time?
W: It is a little after ten.
Q: What does the woman mean?

5 / 5

5) M: Are you ready to go jogging?
W: Almost. I have to warm up first.
Q: What does the woman mean?

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