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Created by KienThucTheoNamThangKienThucTheoNamThang

Lam quen văn phong Toefl Itp listening 88

1 / 5

1) A: I hear you are thinking about moving back into the dorm next semester.
B: Who told you that? I'd never give up my apartment.
Q: What does the woman mean?

2 / 5

2) A: I don’t know how I managed to break that platter. I’ll be more than happy to buy
you a new one.
B: Forget about it. Some things just can’t be helped.
Q: What does the woman mean?

3 / 5

3) A: You don't care if we don't watch the soccer game, do you?
B: You must be joking! My sister is one of the star players.
Q: What does the woman mean?

4 / 5

4) A: I wonder if there is a bus that goes by the museum.
B: The history museum on Main Street? Take one that says eight “A” on the front.
Q: What does the man mean?

5 / 5

5) A: Hello, this is Margaret Methues. I'm calling to make an appointment with Dr. Anderson for tomorrow morning
B: Well, I can give you the number of Dr. Anderson's new office, but I'm afraid he’s not at this office any more.
Q: What does the man imply?

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