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Created by KienThucTheoNamThangKienThucTheoNamThang

Lam quen văn phong Toefl Itp listening 94

1 / 5

1) A: I just admitted my entry for the art club’s photography contest. B: I had no idea there was going to be one.
Q: What does the man mean?

2 / 5

2) A: You are welcome to borrow whatever you'd like from my jazz collection.
B: Thanks, but I don't know where I'm going to play them on,
Q: What can be inferred about the woman?

3 / 5

3) A: Do you ever get tired of all the talk about fat and cholesterol?
B: Do I? You know sometimes I think it’s just a fad. How can so many different things be bad for you?
Q: What does the woman imply?

4 / 5

4) A: Last Monday when I was at Doctor Smith's office, I spent over an hour in the waiting room.
B: Really? Something must have come up that day!
Q: What does the woman imply?

5 / 5

5) A: I thought you were going to call me last night about the train schedule.
B: Sorry, I would have. But Harry and Jack stopped by and stayed past midnight
Q: What does the woman mean?

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