Đề toefl itp 15 câu đầu có lời giải năm 1992-10

Lesson Attachments

1. Duke Ellington was a composer, conductor, and pianist — ranked as one of the greatest of all jazz figures.

(A) him

(B) although

(C) or

(D) who

2. — became a state in 1876.

(A) When Colorado

(B) Colorado

(C) It was Colorado

(D) Colorado, which

3. The fragrances of many natural substances come from oils, — these oils may be used in manufacturing perfumes.

(A) of

(B) from

(C) whether

(D) and



4. Because the saxophone is an excellent solo instrument, — in some important orchestral works.

(A) it is featured

(B) while featured

(C) if featured

(D) feature it

5. Before Geraldine Ferraro was selected as the Democratic Party’s vice presidential candidate in 1984, no woman — run for national office in the United States on a major party ticket.

(A) ever has

(B) never had

(C) had ever

(D) having never

6. — reaches the cells of the body, it is oxidized, or slowly burned.

(A) As digested food

(B) Digested food that

(C) Food is digested

(D) Why does digested food



7. The position of the larynx, or voice box, in the neck determines —, swallows, and vocalizes.

(A) an animal, how does one breathe

(B) how an animal breathes

(C) an anima breathes, how one

(D) how does an anima breathe

8. The slide rule uses sliding scales with marks — numbers and their logarithms.

(A) representing

(B) represented

(C) are represented

(D) they are representing

9. — executive and administrative authority in the United States government rests with a President who is elected for a four-year term.

(A) That the

(B) The

(C) It is the

(D) There is the



10.— stereophonic phonograph records, two recordings are made of the same musical performance.

(A) Creates

(B) Created

(C) The creating of

(D) To create



11.Genes determine — the shape of a leaf and the sex, height, and hair color of a child.

(A) such as features

(B) such features as

(C) as such features

(D) features as such



12.California’s agricultural supremacy dates from 1947, when its farm output first — any other state.

(A) that exceeded

(B) exceeded that

(C) exceeded that of

(D) that exceeded of



13.The use of well-chosen nonsense words makes — the testing of many basic hypotheses in the field of language learning.

(A) it is possibly

(B) its possibility

(C) them possible

(D) possible



14. Not until 1931 — the official anthem of the United States.

(A) “The Star-spangled Banner”did become

(B) when “The Star-spangled Banner”became

(C) did “The Star-spangled Banner”become

(D) became “The Star-spangled Banner”



15.In general, the simpler plants appeared on the Earth before those —.

(A) are structurally complicated

(B) more complicated structure

(C) have a complicated structure

(D) their structure is complicated


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