Đề toefl itp 25 câu sau có lời giải năm 1992-10

Lesson Attachments

16. Rebecca Latimer, a political commentator and the author of several book, was the first woman to become a United States senator.

17. Surrealist artists painted in such a manner that their pictures seem if as they came from the realm of dreams.

18. Manure can be converted into methane gas by means the activated-sludge process of sewage disposal.

19. Navajo National Monument in northern Arizona incorporates three of the most large of all known cliff dwellings.

20. By studying geometry, students can learn what to develop logical arguments through dedective reasoning.

Video Chữa Đề 1992 – 10| câu 16 – 20         

21. The word “saga” is often application to any narration of events of the past, whether mythical or historical in character.

22. The success of a naval ship is determined by its seaworthiness, speedy, and maneuverability.

23. Administrative assistants are often expected to make decisions, supervision staff, delegate responsibility, and work harmoniously with managers and fellow employees.

24. Few theories are originality enough to be called unique.

25. Many critics believe that Amy Lowell’s most important work is not her poetry, but his biography, John Keats, published the year of her death.

Video Chữa Đề 1992 – 10| câu 21 – 25        

26. Research on pain has been neglected, although the mainly reason people take medicine is to relieve pain.

27. Sidney Poitier, he is famous for his character portrayals, won an Oscar for his 1963 performance in Lilies of the Field.

28. The Carlsbad caverns, located in New Mexico, rank between the largest underground labyrinths in the world.

29. Commercial rock wool is made by blowing steam through molten rock such as limestone to create fine, flexibility, glasslike fibers.

30. William Taft begins his many years of service for the United States when President Benjamin Harrison appointed him solicitor general in 1890.

Video Chữa Đề 1992 – 10| câu 26 – 30           

31. A time zone is a slightly irregular north-south belts that extends from pole to pole.

32. Harriet Monroe’s verse survive today as evidence of her undiscouraged zeal for the advancement of modern poetry.

33. “How does the human brain work?” remains one of the most profound questions confront modern science.

34. Cadence may be considered the rise and fall in intensified of sounds.

35. One out of every ten persons in the 1978 United States labor force was a teenagercompared by one out of fifteen in 1960.

Video Chữa Đề 1992 – 10| câu 31 – 35             

36. Gypsum is too soft that it is easy to scratch it with a fingernail.

37. A goose’s neck is a tiny longer than that of a duck and not so gracefully curved as a swan’s.

38. Like squirrels, tree shrews are bearing well-developed claws on their digits and are generally active during daylight hours.

39. Even many early leaders of the United States have provided names for towns, only George Washington is remembered in the name of a state.

40. Numerous insects, special the butterfly, have weak powers of flight.

Video Chữa Đề 1992 – 10| câu 36 – 40

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