Luyện đề phần nghe toefl itp 50 câu Luyện đề trắc nghiệm phần nghe toefl itp 2001-10 15 Th10 Câu 1:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp He shouldn’t have applied for the job. He had to cancel his interview. He’s disappointed with his interview. He doesn’t want to discuss the interview now. Câu 2:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp Make cookies with the woman. Give the woman a cookie. Take a cookie for his roommate. Have a cookie. Câu 3:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp He forgot to take the medicine for his headache. He felt better an hour ago, His head still hurts. His headache should be gone in an hour, Câu 4:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp She hasn’t spoken to her friend in a long time. She sometimes travels abroad for her job. Her friend has never been to Texas before. She intends to visit her friend in Texas. Câu 5:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp Finish their candy bars. Get off the bus at the next stop. Meet at the bus stop. Meet in front of the rest rooms. Câu 6:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp He won’t be able to repair the briefcase. The woman should buy a smaller briefcase. The briefcase will be ready before Tuesday. The repair shop is closed until Tuesday. Câu 7:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp Sign up for the Wednesday class. Take another class instead of creative writing Find out how much work will be required for the class. Ask his advisor about the instructor in the Wednesday class. Câu 8:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp He’d rather not travel during spring break. He planned his trip a long time ago. He’ll take his friends to FloridA: He’s not sure what he’ll do. Câu 9:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp He wants to see what the woman bought. He didn’t know that stores were having sales now. He’s going to go shopping soon. He thinks clothing prices will decrease even further. Câu 10:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp She wasn’t very late for the meeting. She’d like to reschedule the meeting. She’s glad the man waited for her. She’s sorry that she missed the meeting. Câu 11:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp She’ll wear a warm jacket to the match. She’11 play chess with the man this afternoon. She doesn’t know how to play chess. She’d rather not go out with the man. Câu 12:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp She doesn’t think it’s a good ideA: Its success depends on the weather. She originally proposed it. She’s quite sure it will take place. Câu 13:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp Some of the books were still packed. The store was too crowded for him to enter. Not all of the advertised books were on sale. He had to work at the bookstore this morning. Câu 14:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp She’s not sure she wants to go to the party. She just returned from a visit to the Andersons. She may not be able to give the man a ride. The party isn’t on Friday. Câu 15:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp She’ll continue to use the Laundromat near the dorms. The Laundromat near the dorms isn’t converunent for her. She doesn’t use the same Laundromat the man uses. She recently switched Laundromats. Câu 16:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp Travel by train instead of by plane. Cancel his travel plans. Try to change his reservations to a different time. Continue trying to get a ticket. Câu 17:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp They should go without him. They should bring him some pizza He’ll try to join them later. They should wait for him. Câu 18:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp The man isn’t qualified for any of the jobs. The jobs have already been filled. The man can start work today. The man should hand in his application very soon. Câu 19:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp The main characters in the hook aren’t interesting. The man should choose a different book to read The man will enjoy the book eventually enter. She read only half of the book. Câu 20:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp He can’t get a room at the hotel. He didn’t get the type of room he wanted. He expected the room to be more expensive. He thought he had already made a reservation. Câu 21:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp If he’11 be returning to the camp where he worked last year. If he enjoyed the job he had last summer. If he can help her fill out a job application. If he knows of any job openings with his former employer. Câu 22:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp Susan might not be a member of the debate team. He didn’t notice what Susan was wearing. Susan often wears purple shirts. He doesn’t want to go to the debate. Câu 23:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp She’s rarely home. She’s been away for several days. She makes calls only when necessary. She spends a lot of time on the phone. Câu 24:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp Call her if they need her help. Stop arguing in front of other people. Give her their new address. Visit her more often. Câu 25:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp Let the woman change the topic of her paper. Give the woman more time to write her paper. Refuse to accept the woman’s paper. Visit the woman in the hospital. Câu 26:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp He doesn’t like wearing one. He doesn’t feel professional wearing one. He doesn’t wear one in his department. He doesn’t want to pay for one. Câu 27:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp She also needs air in her tires. The man shouldn’t drive on the tire. The man may not need a new tire. She saw a nail in the man’s tire. Câu 28 :Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp She’ll be on the same airplane as the man. She can’t help the man. She’s looking for a ride to the airport. She doesn’t take very good n o t e . Câu 29:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp Richardson Dormitory is particularly noisy. He doesn’t want to move. Richardson Dormitory is boring. The woman looks tired. Câu 30 :Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp Its opening had been postponed. It didn’t deserve the praise I received. It wasn’t open on Mondays. It was going to close before Monday. Câu 31:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp The best methods for studying deep ocean processes. The movement of sediment deep in the ocean. A new way of measuring the depth of the ocean. The strength of ocean currents. Câu 32:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp What a turbidity current is. Why the book talks about turbidity currents. How winds can affect some ocean currents. The causes of underwater earthquakes. Câu 33:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp It moves more slowly. It’s warmer. it’s heavier. It’s cleaner. Câu 34:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp By creating large waves on the surface of the ocean. By greatly increasing the ocean’s depth in some areas. By causing mud or sand to mix with ocean water By crushing large amounts of stone. Câu 35 :Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp To remind the student about the next assignment. To remind the student where ocean sediments originate. To explain the effects of turbidity currents. To explain how winds cause turbidity currents. Câu 36:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp To tell him about a trip she took. To ask if she can borrow his car. To invite him to a cookout. To convince him to go on a canoe trip. Câu 37:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp A canoe. A sleeping bag. A lunch. A lent. Câu 38:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp Driving. Canoeing. Sleeping outdoors. Swimming. Câu 39 :Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp To find out whether he wants to go canoeing. To tell him what time they are leaving. To tell him whether her car is repaired. To find out what kind of food he is bringing. Câu 40:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp Competition in business. A type of economic policy. Government grants. International transportation practices. Câu 41:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp International leaders. American industrialists. Civil War veterans. French economists. Câu 42:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp Competition among companies should be restricted. Politicians should support industrial growth. The government shouldn’t interfere in private business. The rights of private business owners should be protected. Câu 43:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp The way the body produces enzymes. The impact of enzymes on chemical reactions. The structure of enzymes. Types of chemical products created with enzymes. Câu 44:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp It divides into Two different parts. It keeps the same chemical structure. It produces more of the enzyme. It becomes part of a new chemical compound. Câu 45:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp Raise the temperature of the chemicals. Lower the amount of energy needed to start the reaction. Provide extra energy to start the reaction. Release a chemical needed to start the reaction. Câu 46:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp To describe different types of enzymes. To show that enzymes are very effective. To point out that enzymes can sometimes fail to work. To explain what enzymes are made of. Câu 47:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp The ideas behind an artist’s work. The practical value of a work of art. The relationship between painting and sculpture. The way the eye perceives shape in sculpture. Câu 48:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp It is often displayed outdoors. It is three-dimensional. It is done by relatively few artists. It does not always represent an object. Câu 49:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp To demonstrate their role as decorative objects. To describe early sculpture. To give an example of natural shapes. To illustrate their use as tools. Câu 50:Hãy nghe câu hỏi và điền đáp án thích hợp They make use of holes. They are always made of stone. They contain moving parts. They are painted in bright colors. Loading … [irp][related_posts_by_tax title=""]