Đề 29: Đề thi toefl itp 15 câu đầu

Over the centuries, ____ that try to explain the origins of the university.


The planet Venus is almost exactly the same size and mass _____ Earth, with a similar interior, including a nickel-iron core.


George Washington Carver ____ international fame for revolutionizing agriculture research in the southern United States during the early twentieth century.


Constituting one of the earliest engineering techniques, ______ in Paleolithic time was done in order to extend natural caves.


The tulip tree is native to the eastern United States, _____ the tallest and largest broadleaf tree.


The digestive enzyme pepsin breaks down proteins into components _____ readily absorbed by the human body.


_____ the precise qualities of the hero in literary works may vary over time, the basic exemplary function of the hero seems to remain constant.


Not until the dedication of Yellowstone Park in the late nineteenth century _____ a national park.


Because caricature tends to emphasize the peculiarities of a subject, _____ an effective vehicle for pictorial satire.


A majority of people in the United States can get all the calcium their bodies — from the food they eat.


— map dates back to about 3,000 B.C.


The best way to control rats is by seeing that they have as — .


The small greenish flowers of the American elm tree appear in the spring, — .


In the years between 1937 and 1952, author Margaret Wise Brown —more than a hundred books but also wrote the lyrics for 21 children’s records.


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