Đề 29: Đề thi toefl itp 25 câu sau

The Executive Mansion, constructed in the 1790’s and now popularly called the White House, is oldest public edifice in Washington,D.C.


Inventor Elisha Graves Otis designed the first elevator that it incorporated an automatic brake, which in turn led to the development of the skyscraper.


All living things are made up of one or more cells, and each of these cells were produced by an already existing cell.


It is believed that some dinosaurs were intelligent, ability to perform complex activities, and perhaps even capable of social behavior.


The main attractive at Sequoia National Park is thirty-five groves of giant sequoias, the largest living things in the world.


In films, optical printing can be combined with blue-screen photography for produce such special effects as characters seeming to fly through the air.


The developed coutries of the world are using up valuable resources at a rate unprecedented human history.


Electricity is the phenomenon associated with positively and negatively particles charged of matter at rest and in motion, either individually or in great numbers.


Statistics indicate that approximate every 22 years–within a range of 3 to 4 years–a major drought occurs in the United States.


The work of Sarah Oarne Jewet, care-nineteenth-century writer, reflects a concern in the alienating consequence, of condustrialization and urbanization.


Barium is a soft, heavy, silvery white metallic element that readily reacts with another elements to form useful compounds.


Among the most complex crystals are that of silicon dioxide, which has seven different structures at various temperatures and pressures, the most common being quartz.


Although the term “corrosion” applies mostly to metals and particularly to their reaction to oxygen, all material are subject to surface deterioration.


The chief commercial source of bromine is ocean water, from what the element is extracted by means of chemical replacement by chlorine.


Like Jupiter and Earth, Saturn is flattened at a poles.


Unique among bivalves, scallops swim extremely well, propelled by jets of water expelled while snapped the shell shut.


In the period between 1918 and 1939, various political, economic, and geographic factors combined in determine the extent to which a country developed civil aviation.


An activist for women’s rights, Leonora O’Reilly promoted women’s vocational training besides fought for increased wages for garment workers.


Cameras of one type or another have been using for more than a hundred years.


Seismic waves generated by an earthquake or large explosion can be recorded thousands of kilometer from their source.


After the United States became independent, the cure of more fertile lands drew steadily New Englanders into the Ohio Valley and the British colony of Upper Canada.


Found in all oceans the various species of electric rays use the charge they can generate for both stunning prey or warding off predators.


By 1810 the 23 towns of Hampshire County, Massachusetts, had reached a remarkable uniform of economic development as well as population density.


With more than half the world’s annual yield of 50 million tons of soy beans, an important source of protein, is grown in the United States.


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