Thành ngữ về công việc( Idioms about Work)

1. Get your feet under the table

Get your feet under the table là làm quen công việc/chức vụ mới

Vd: It’s my first week at the new company. I haven’t gotten my feet under the table.
Vd: /ɪts/ /maɪ/ /fɜrst/ /wik/ /æt/ /ðə/ /nu/ /ˈkʌmpəni/. /aɪ/ /ˈhævənt/ /ˈgɑtən/ /maɪ/ /fit/ /ˈʌndər/ /ðə/ /ˈteɪbəl/.
Vd: I need time to get my feet under the table.
Vd: /aɪ/ /nid/ /taɪm/ /tu/ /gɛt/ /maɪ/ /fit/ /ˈʌndər/ /ðə/ /ˈteɪbəl/.
Vd: I was so overwhelmed at first but now I can get my feet under the table.
Vd: /aɪ/ /wʌz/ /soʊ/ /ˌoʊvərˈwɛlmd/ /æt/ /fɜrst/ /bʌt/ /naʊ/ /aɪ/ /kæn/ /gɛt/ /maɪ/ /fit/ /ˈʌndər/ /ðə/ /ˈteɪbəl/.

2. Go the extra mile

Go the extra mile là là làm nhiều hơn dự kiến của bạn

Vd: Julie always goes the extra mile to make her mom happy.
Vd: /ˈʤuli/ /ˈɔlˌweɪz/ /goʊz/ /ði/ /ˈɛkstrə/ /maɪl/ /tu/ /meɪk/ /hɜr/ /mɑm/ /ˈhæpi/.
Vd: To win the contract, he went the extra mile to prepare the documents before the meeting.
Vd: /tu/ /wɪn/ /ðə/ /ˈkɑnˌtrækt/, /hi/ /wɛnt/ /ði/ /ˈɛkstrə/ /maɪl/ /tu/ /priˈpɛr/ /ðə/ /ˈdɑkjəmənts/ /bɪˈfɔr/ /ðə/ /ˈmitɪŋ/.
Vd: He went the extra mile just to make her feel special at the wedding.
Vd: /hi/ /wɛnt/ /ði/ /ˈɛkstrə/ /maɪl/ /ʤʌst/ /tu/ /meɪk/ /hɜr/ /fil/ /ˈspɛʃəl/ /æt/ /ðə/ /ˈwɛdɪŋ/.

3. Put one’s feet up

Put one’s feet up là nghỉ ngơi cho khuây khoả đầu óc

Vd: We’re done. Let’s put our feet up.
Vd: /wir/ /dʌn/. /lɛts/ /pʊt/ /ˈaʊər/ /fit/ /ʌp/.
Vd: After a hard day at work, I like to put my feet up and read some books.
Vd: /ˈæftər/ /ə/ /hɑrd/ /deɪ/ /æt/ /wɜrk/, /aɪ/ /laɪk/ /tu/ /pʊt/ /maɪ/ /fit/ /ʌp/ /ænd/ /rid/ /sʌm/ /bʊks/.
Vd: Don’t work too hard. Go home and put your feet up.
Vd: /doʊnt/ /wɜrk/ /tu/ /hɑrd/. /goʊ/ /hoʊm/ /ænd/ /pʊt/ /jʊər/ /fit/ /ʌp/.

4. Be in someone’s good (or bad) books

Be in someone’s good (or bad) books là ưa (hoặc không ưa)/ yêu( hoặc ghét) ai đó

Vd: All students want to be in the teacher’s good book.
Vd: /ɔl/ /ˈstudənts/ /wɑnt/ /tu/ /bi/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /ˈtiʧərz/ /gʊd/ /bʊk/.
Vd: I used to be in my teacher’s bad book because I wasn’t very well-behaved back then.
Vd: /aɪ/ /juzd/ /tu/ /bi/ /ɪn/ /maɪ/ /ˈtiʧərz/ /bæd/ /bʊk/ /bɪˈkɔz/ /aɪ/ /ˈwɑzənt/ /ˈvɛri/ /wɛl/-/bɪˈheɪvd/ /bæk/ /ðɛn/.
Vd: If she was pretty and sexy, she would be in Harry’s good book.
Vd: /ɪf/ /ʃi/ /wʌz/ /ˈprɪti/ /ænd/ /ˈsɛksi/, /ʃi/ /wʊd/ /bi/ /ɪn/ /ˈhɛriz/ /gʊd/ /bʊk/.

5. Give someone the sack

Give someone the sack là đuổi, (thải, cách chức) người nào

Vd: His work has been getting worse and worse. It’s time to give him the sack.
Vd: /hɪz/ /wɜrk/ /hæz/ /bɪn/ /ˈgɛtɪŋ/ /wɜrs/ /ænd/ /wɜrs/. /ɪts/ /taɪm/ /tu/ /gɪv/ /hɪm/ /ðə/ /sæk/.
Vd: Giving someone the sack is such a hard decision for me. I always have a rational discussion with them beforehand.
Vd: /ˈgɪvɪŋ/ /ˈsʌmˌwʌn/ /ðə/ /sæk/ /ɪz/ /sʌʧ/ /ə/ /hɑrd/ /dɪˈsɪʒən/ /fɔr/ /mi/. /aɪ/ /ˈɔlˌweɪz/ /hæv/ /ə/ /ˈræʃənəl/ /dɪˈskʌʃən/ /wɪð/ /ðɛm/ /bɪˈfɔrˌhænd/.
Vd: Why don’t you give her the sack? She’s a terrible employee, always late for work and jealous of her co-workers.
Vd: /waɪ/ /doʊnt/ /ju/ /gɪv/ /hɜr/ /ðə/ /sæk/? /ʃiz/ /ə/ /ˈtɛrəbəl/ /ɛmˈplɔɪi/, /ˈɔlˌweɪz/ /leɪt/ /fɔr/ /wɜrk/ /ænd/ /ˈʤɛləs/ /ʌv/ /hɜr/ /koʊ/-/ˈwɜrkərz/.

6. Call it a day

Call it a day là quyết định dừng lại việc mình đang làm

Vd: ‘We worked so hard today. Let’s call it a day before 6 p.m.’
Vd: /wi/ /wɜrkt/ /soʊ/ /hɑrd/ /təˈdeɪ/. /lɛts/ /kɔl/ /ɪt/ /ə/ /deɪ/ /bɪˈfɔr/ 6 /pi/./ɛm/.’
Vd: She’s such a workaholic. She can’t call it a day when there is still work that needs to be done.
Vd: /ʃiz/ /sʌʧ/ /ə/ /ˈwɜrkəˈhɑlɪk/. /ʃi/ /kænt/ /kɔl/ /ɪt/ /ə/ /deɪ/ /wɛn/ /ðɛr/ /ɪz/ /stɪl/ /wɜrk/ /ðæt/ /nidz/ /tu/ /bi/ /dʌn/.
Vd: ‘What time do you usually call it a day?’ ‘At 5 p.m.’
Vd: /wʌt/ /taɪm/ /du/ /ju/ /ˈjuʒəwəli/ /kɔl/ /ɪt/ /ə/ /deɪ/?’ /æt/ 5 /pi/./ɛm/.’

7. Work like a dog

Work like a dog là làm việc rất chăm chỉ

Vd: To earn money, he works like a dog every day.
Vd: /tu/ /ɜrn/ /ˈmʌni/, /hi/ /wɜrks/ /laɪk/ /ə/ /dɔg/ /ˈɛvəri/ /deɪ/.
Vd: That’s unfair. Why do I have to work like a dog while he can watch TV?
Vd: /ðæts/ /ənˈfɛr/. /waɪ/ /du/ /aɪ/ /hæv/ /tu/ /wɜrk/ /laɪk/ /ə/ /dɔg/ /waɪl/ /hi/ /kæn/ /wɑʧ/ /ˈtiˈvi/?
Vd: After graduating, I worked like a dog just to get promoted.
Vd: /ˈæftər/ /ˈgræʤəˌweɪtɪŋ/, /aɪ/ /wɜrkt/ /laɪk/ /ə/ /dɔg/ /ʤʌst/ /tu/ /gɛt/ /prəˈmoʊtəd/.

8. All in a day’s work

All in a day’s work là Bình thường và như thường lệ

Vd: ‘Are you tired?’ ‘No, it’s all in a day’s work.’
Vd: /ɑr/ /ju/ /ˈtaɪərd/?’ /noʊ/, /ɪts/ /ɔl/ /ɪn/ /ə/ /deɪz/ /wɜrk/.’
Vd: Fixing machines seem hard for women but for her, it’s all in a day’s work.
Vd: /ˈfɪksɪŋ/ /məˈʃinz/ /sim/ /hɑrd/ /fɔr/ /ˈwɪmən/ /bʌt/ /fɔr/ /hɜr/, /ɪts/ /ɔl/ /ɪn/ /ə/ /deɪz/ /wɜrk/.
Vd: She can cook for 40 people in just 2 hours. For her, cooking is all in a day’s work.
Vd: /ʃi/ /kæn/ /kʊk/ /fɔr/ 40 /ˈpipəl/ /ɪn/ /ʤʌst/ 2 /ˈaʊərz/. /fɔr/ /hɜr/, /ˈkʊkɪŋ/ /ɪz/ /ɔl/ /ɪn/ /ə/ /deɪz/ /wɜrk/.

9. Work one’s fingers to the bone

Work one’s fingers to the bone là làm việc rất hăng hái

Vd: I’ve worked my fingers to the bone but my boss is still not happy.
Vd: /aɪv/ /wɜrkt/ /maɪ/ /ˈfɪŋgərz/ /tu/ /ðə/ /boʊn/ /bʌt/ /maɪ/ /bɑs/ /ɪz/ /stɪl/ /nɑt/ /ˈhæpi/.
Vd: He worked his fingers to the bone to build his own house.
Vd: /hi/ /wɜrkt/ /hɪz/ /ˈfɪŋgərz/ /tu/ /ðə/ /boʊn/ /tu/ /bɪld/ /hɪz/ /oʊn/ /haʊs/.
Vd: Women have to work their fingers to the bone outside the house, then do all the housework when they come back home.
Vd: /ˈwɪmən/ /hæv/ /tu/ /wɜrk/ /ðɛr/ /ˈfɪŋgərz/ /tu/ /ðə/ /boʊn/ /ˈaʊtˈsaɪd/ /ðə/ /haʊs/, /ðɛn/ /du/ /ɔl/ /ðə/ /ˈhaʊˌswɜrk/ /wɛn/ /ðeɪ/ /kʌm/ /bæk/ /hoʊm/.
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